Biblical & Ministry Studies
BMS 306 - World Religions
COM 235 - Sign Communication
COM 329 - Cross-Cultural Communication
Criminal Justice
CRJ 305 - Use of Force
CRJ 409 - Current Issues in Criminal Justice
SPE 115 - Typical Atypical Development 0-5
ECE 405 - Literacy: Differentiation and Remediation
ENG 335 - Gender and Literature
ENG 295 - Special Topics in Literature or Creative Writing
Fine Arts
ART 108 - Women Artists
ART 109 - World Art History and Studio
MUS 106 - Survey of World Music
HIS 206 - Twentieth-Century World History and Culture
HIS 325 - Topics in the Civil War Era
HIS 329 - Ancient Military History
HIS 406 - American Reform Movements
NUR 225 - Issues in Aging
PSY 326 - Psychology of Women
SOC 205 - Social Problems
SOC 307 - Minority Relations
SOC 327 - Cultural Difference in 21st Century America
SOC 328 - Sociology of Globalization and Post-Colonial Cultures