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Department of Fine Arts to host faculty art exhibit

Olivia Sanvicente Sep 11, 2024

Waynesburg University’s Department of Fine Arts will host an art show Monday, Sept. 16, through Friday, Oct. 18, featuring all four of the visual arts faculty.

An opening ceremony will be held on Monday, Sept. 16, at 4:30 p.m. in the Benedum Fine Arts Gallery. The exhibit is free and open to the public.

“We are all very different in how we approach our work,” said Lisa Rasmussen, gallery director and assistant professor of fine arts and communication.

The gallery will offer a dynamic range of works that demonstrate each faculty member’s artistic expertise.

Featured faculty are:

  • Andrew Heisey, who creates 3-dimensional art and pottery. 
  • Sophia Park, who crafts jewelry crafted from precious and semi-precious stones.
  • Lisa Rasmussen, who works with watercolor and pen-and-ink.
  • Emily Wiedner, who creates mixed media works and pottery.

For more information, contact Rasmussen at