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Campus News

Waynesburg U. hosts Regional Counseling Symposium on Fostering Connection

Mar 25, 2025

Waynesburg University hosted its Regional Counseling Symposium Friday, March 21, in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. The focus of this year’s symposium was “Fostering Connection: Addressing the Needs of Marginalized Groups.”

The purpose of the symposium was to foster connection. I am confident that together we accomplished this goal.”

Dr. Kelley McNichols

The event brought a total of 106 attendees, which included several alumni and return participants from previous years. It also provided a great networking opportunity for students within the University’s Master of Arts in Counseling and Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision programs who attended.

Scholars of the Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Program offered their support of the event and session speakers throughout the day.

“The symposium created a collaborative, interactive and inspirational space for all involved,” said Dr. Kelley McNichols, assistant director of Graduate Counseling Programs and assistant professor of counseling at Waynesburg University. “Experts in the field offered workshops that intentionally addressed the needs of marginalized groups, and several resource tables generated connectivity. The purpose of the symposium was to foster connection. I am confident that together we accomplished this goal.”

To kick off the event, Kami Anderson, Executive Director of the Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission, Inc., delivered the keynote address, “Voices Unheard: Amplifying Advocacy for Marginalized Lives with Substance Use Disorders.”

Dr. McNichols and Kami Anderson
Kami Anderson (left) and Dr. McNichols (right)

With decades of experience in the field dating back to 1993, Anderson provided deep insight into the complexities of substance use treatment and advocacy. Her leadership extends beyond her role at Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission, Inc. She also serves as President of the Board of Directors of the Southwest Behavioral Health Management (SBHM) Corporation and as a member of the Executive Committee for the Board of Directors of the Behavioral Health Association of Rural Pennsylvania (BHARP).

After Anderson’s address, the symposium agenda split into different breakout sessions led by various presenters and concluded with poster presentations before lunch. Following lunch, breakout sessions resumed, closing with two panel discussions during the remaining hour of the event.

Waynesburg University’s Regional Counseling Symposium serves as a platform for treatment providers, agencies and policymakers to share experiences, foster connections and address health inequities among underserved communities by highlighting innovative behavioral health interventions and social service initiatives focused on early intervention and prevention.