High School | College |
The applicable law is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or IDEA. |
The applicable laws are the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as Amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. |
IDEA is about success. |
The ADA is about equal access. |
Fundamental modifications of programs and curricula are required. |
Academic adjustments are provided. The college or university is not obligated to provide adjustments that fundamentally alter essential course or program goals or that cause an undue burden. |
Education is a right and must be provided in an appropriate environment to all individuals. |
Education is not a right – students must meet certain admission criteria. |
The school district is responsible for identifying a student’s disability. |
Students must self-identify and request accommodations. |
The school district develops Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) to define educational services. |
Student must identify needs, furnish documentation that meets the University's standards, and request services. |
The school district provides free evaluations. |
The student needs to obtain evaluations at their own expense. |
Student is supported by parents and teachers. |
Student is responsible for seeking assistance from the Disability Services Office, which exists to ensure equal access to students with disabilities. |
Primary responsibility for arranging modifications belongs to school. |
Primary responsibility for self-advocacy and arranging academic adjustments belongs to the student (who may seek assistance from Disability Services). |
May have received modifications to the school's behavior code. |
Expected to abide by college’s code of conduct, regardless of disability. |
Personal Services and equipment for medical and physical disabilities are provided by the school district (i.e., Personal Care Attendant). |
Most personal services or equipment are not provided – however, the Disability Services Office may assist the student in obtaining such services or equipment. |
Parent advocates for student. |
Student must advocate for self. |
Differences Between High School and College
Helpful Information for Incoming Students with Disabilities and their Families