Teaching Discussion Group
The Teaching Discussion Group provides faculty with the opportunity to explore and discuss a recent highly regarded book in the field of postsecondary teaching and learning.
Prior topics have included:
- critical thinking;
- student motivation;
- classroom management;
- methods of encouraging students to complete assigned readings.
Scholarship Discussion Group
The members of this collaborative group provide incisive and honest feedback for a participant's draft of an article or other work. Contributions to the group have represented a wide range of disciplines. All faculty members are welcome to participate as long as they are ready to submit at least one draft during the academic year.
Mentoring Program
To help new colleagues make that transition as smoothly as possible, the University provides a mentor for each first-year, full-time faculty member. Insuring that his or her role is purely formative, a CTE mentor is not in the same department as the mentee. Mentors and mentees meet for lunch or coffee on their own on a monthly basis.
New Faculty Orientation Program
Topics covered through the year-long program include:
- professional development opportunities
- student advising
- faith and learning integration
- administering and interpreting teaching evaluations
- preparing the annual self-evaluation
- the Eberly Library's electronic resources
- the history of Waynesburg University
- a final reflection on the first year at WU.
Individual Teaching Consultation Services
The CTE offers confidential consultations to faculty members who would like to improve one or more facets of their teaching. Consultations generally begin with a brainstorming session in the CTE and can include classroom visits or the discussion of a DVD recording of teaching a class.
Teaching Conferences
The CTE encourages faculty to pursue opportunities in the scholarship of teaching through in-person and online conferences. Funding for attendance is available through the Professional Development Committee through an application process. Attendees are invited to share the experience afterward as a written report or group discussion.