Waynesburg University offers the opportunity for our alumni and friends in Pennsylvania to purchase specialty PA license plates. We are pleased to be able to offer this item to those who want to show their Waynesburg pride!
The process will include the Alumni Office sending you the specialty PA license plate form, then you sending the application back to the Alumni Office in a pre-paid envelope. All of this information and necessary instructions will be available to you in the packet that you will receive when you sign up here. Orders will be placed in November and June of each year.
Important Information to Know When You Receive Your Application: As Waynesburg University partners with PennDOT on this program, there are some guidelines that we MUST adhere to in order to ensure that the process runs with the highest efficiency.
- Fill out sections A, D and E on the form enclosed in your packet and return it to the Alumni Office, along with your check made payable to Waynesburg University, in the enclosed, pre-paid envelope. The cost is $43, $5 of which is a tax-deductible gift to the University. The WU plate will come with one registration card. There is an additional fee of $2 apiece for any extra registration card(s) you may need.
- The cost for a personalized special organization plate is an additional $128, for a total cost of $171. Please note that this additional fee covers the cost of your order and will not renew your vehicle’s registration.
- You cannot gift a specialty plate. The form must be filled out by the person to whom the vehicle is titled and registered.
- There is a 4-6 week turnaround time on the plates once PennDOT receives the order (8-10 weeks for a personalized specialty plate). We will place orders twice a year, in November and June.
- If you have any questions, you MUST direct them to the Alumni Office at 724-852-3256. Please do not send anything to PennDOT, as that will only delay the process.
- If you already have a Waynesburg University plate that has been lost, stolen, defaced or is illegible, please email specialorganizationplateprogram@pa.gov for further directions.
Sign up here to have the application for your Waynesburg University specialty PA license plate mailed to you!