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Evonne Baldauff

Chairperson for the Chemistry and Forensic Science and Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics Departments, Professor of Chemistry and Assistant Provost for Faculty Excellence, Curriculum Development and Online Learning


Dr. Evonne Baldauff teaches both introductory and advanced chemistry courses including general, inorganic, and physical chemistry. Her favorite course to teach is advanced inorganic chemistry where students learn about the symmetry of molecules, but far too few of them enjoy it as much as she does! She also serves as Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Forensic Science, a role that she absolutely loves.

Baldauff's research interests range from developing novel inorganic materials to characterizing roasted and brewed coffee to studying learning outcomes in the general chemistry laboratory. 

She has served as advisor to the WU American Chemical Society (ACS) Student Chapter since 2007. Since that time the chapter has been awarded the "Outstanding Chapter" designation ten times. She thinks that working with this group is one of the highlights of teaching at Waynesburg University. Dr. Baldauff is also active in the ACS Pittsburgh Local Section where she served as Chair in 2015.


  • Utilizing 'Specifications Grading' techniques in general and inorganic chemistry courses as well as laboratory courses.
  • Using Gas Chromatography (GC) to understand how coffee changes after it has been roasted.
  • Planning and implementing chemistry-centered outreach in communities and schools.


  • B.S. in Chemistry, Grove City College
  • Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, Purdue University