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The Buzz

The Writing Center is Here for You

Stefanie Wielkopolan Mar 13, 2023
In Celebration of Women’s History Month

As days begin to slowly stick around longer, and the flowers start to poke through the soil, we step into the month of March. March is Women’s History Month and there is a lot to celebrate. From hundreds of years ago, to our recent past, women have contributed to the world in large and life changing ways. March is the month to celebrate it all!

Women’s History Month started in 1978, and since then has stood as a reminder of all the contributions women have made in America and beyond. While some achievements happened before many of us were born, like suffragists fighting for the right to vote, other events have occurred recently, like the election of our first female vice president. While society has come a long way in recognizing the achievements of women, there is still a lot to learn and improve on.

For example, did you know that Madame C.J. Walker, 1867-1919, was the first black female millionaire in the United States? Can you guess the first female who won the Nobel Peace Prize? What about the first female musician to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? Did you know that until 1974 women weren’t allowed to get their own credit card? A rich history, forged by women, is right in front of us, waiting to take notice.

This March, join the Writing Center in celebrating the women who have changed our country and our world for the better. During the month, we’ll announce the answers to the questions above on our Instagram and Facebook accounts. Happy Women’s History Month, Waynesburg!

For more information about these topics, check out:
Women’s History Month

Madame C.J. Walker

National Women’s History Museum

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