Since Waynesburg University’s updated eHIVE grand opening in Feb. 2024, the two entrepreneurship learning labs, the Nest and the Makerspace, have been incredibly successful with students and faculty. However, the eHIVE will implement one more collaborative learning lab starting this spring semester: Project GROW.
Project GROW will be an innovative opportunity for students wishing to step outside their comfort zone and support an impoverished village in the Dominican Republic.
“We are excited to add our third learning lab this spring, which is Project GROW - our redemptive entrepreneurial learning lab that fosters economic growth and holistic ministry in the Dominican Republic. Students can participate in spring break trips and also help to empower a small rural community,” explained Cassy Dorsch, director of the eHIVE and Nest at Waynesburg University.
The Spring 2025 Project GROW service trip will take place from March 1 through March 8 in the Hato Mayor Del Rey Province of the Dominican Republic. While there, students will gain experience serving communities with Meeting God in Missions and the Association of Women for a Better Future.
“For anyone who would like to learn more about social entrepreneurship or empowerment, this would be a natural fit,” said Dorsch.
“I am looking forward to continuing what we started. The women of Luma Largo had a lot of great ideas and so it’s going to be important to start putting in the steps to establish their businesses.”
Dorsch and a small group of students also visited the Dominican Republic last March. The trip combined hands-on business opportunities with holistic service as the group collaborated closely with incredibly inspiring men, women, and children.
“The trip taught me…the importance of the planning process and how the first steps you take in the planning process are some of the most important,” commented sophomore public relations major Diana Hernandez. “I am looking forward to continuing what we started. The women of Luma Largo had a lot of great ideas and so it’s going to be important to start putting in the steps to establish their businesses.”
During last year’s trip, “I learned that those women were willing to do whatever it took to try to become more successful, and were very willing to listen and were open to all of our ideas that we created with them,” recalled sophomore entrepreneurship major Nicole Veychek.
As students worked in tandem with the village, they gained insightful knowledge that would assist their entrepreneurial goals as they continued to push forward in their academic careers.
“This trip impacted me because as an entrepreneur it opened my eyes to much more opportunities to become successful as a business owner that I wouldn’t have thought of prior,” said Veycheck.
This spring’s Project GROW trip will provide amazing opportunities to more students as they travel and serve in such a remote area with a community filled with courageous individuals. The group plans to introduce soap and jewelry making, assist in the clean-up of purchased land, visit community churches and connect with a local school through fun outdoor activities. Coffee and cacao are also current opportunities for local business owners, and Project GROW participants plan to bring products back to the United States for sale through Waynesburg’s programs like the Nest.
Assisting locals in soap and jewelry-making will ensure those who are struggling will have the necessary materials to go about their daily lives. The group intends to transport soap-making kits and tools and collaborate with the village to create body soap and clothing detergent for practical use once the group travels back to the United States.
“I’m very excited to be going again and to see all the wonderful people again that I met last year. I am very excited to work closely with the women in the village again and help them create a successful business,” Veychek explained.
Programs like Project GROW continuously provide positive student opportunities as they promote service, love and appreciation for Earth’s inhabitants. Service brings people closer together in astounding ways, allowing Waynesburg students and staff to experience adventure and share the love of Christ wherever they go.