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The Buzz

Waynesburg students serve alongside Christian marine conservation in Titusville, Florida

Natalie Double Feb 24, 2025

Waynesburg University students attended the marine service trip of a lifetime during their 2024-25 winter break at A Rocha Marine Conservation. From Saturday, Jan. 4 to Saturday, Jan. 11, the group was led through the wonders of Florida’s ecosystems by Dr. Christian Hayes, assistant professor of biology and director of marine science, and Dr. Tracy Dohn, associate professor of biology.

The students worked in conjunction with A Rocha’s International Christian Marine Conservation Organization to learn about southern marine life's environmental challenges and actively serve local communities.

Projects included activities that would further students’ understanding of the environment and how humans have an impact on marine life and biodiversity. One major trip aspect involved exploring the reality of human waste in today’s world.

Service projects covered “picking up plastic along beaches, conducting multiple nurdle (microplastic) hunts, collecting mole crabs at local beaches to study the effects of microplastic and its influence on the food web and aiding in an ongoing research project to understand pipefish populations in the degrading Indian River Lagoon,” explained Dr. Hayes.

This year’s trip was Dr. Hayes’ third time participating in the A Rocha conservation trip. One of his favorite parts about the trip was seeing “students’ eyes light up when they see something new they haven’t seen before.”

“I was surprised by the awful impact of plastic that we learned about and the microplastics we found everywhere on the beaches. I was also struck by the interconnectedness of the ecosystem. I knew it intellectually, but seeing how the health of one species or habitat directly affected others was a powerful visual lesson,”

Leia Watson, senior environmental science and biology major

Students had the opportunity to experience many new things in Florida. While collecting data and reflecting on ecological concerns impacting the community, the young environmentalists were able to connect their personal scientific knowledge with their faith and service.

“Through our daily journal prompts and discussions, the students are also challenged to think more holistically about how their faith and work integrates directly with their service to mankind and the non-human creation,” said Dr. Hayes.

One of the foundational objectives of the trip involved a personal appreciation and urge to do something impactful for the planet we humans call home.

Senior environmental science and biology major Leia Watson shared that the service trip transported her “from a place of simply knowing about the problems to feeling a responsibility to act.”

Educational trips and service opportunities like A Rocha profoundly influence student perspectives and their personal lives as they are encouraged to do what they can to restore the environment and its ecosystems.

Freshman marine biology major Tyler Waldmann felt impacted by “what the world can look like, even if you think it looks perfect from a third-party viewpoint.”

Trip participants also saw firsthand the massive abundance of human waste and microplastics currently littering Florida’s coastal beaches and the surrounding areas. The impact they witnessed on marine life was shocking and incredibly eye-opening.

“I was surprised by the awful impact of plastic that we learned about and the microplastics we found everywhere on the beaches. I was also struck by the interconnectedness of the ecosystem. I knew it intellectually, but seeing how the health of one species or habitat directly affected others was a powerful visual lesson,” Watson added.

Plastic pollution has an immense negative impact on Earth’s ecosystems as well as human life. Research has found that plastic pollution can lead to bodily disruptions in development, hormone, reproductive and immune system functionality. As organizations actively work to pick up plastic waste and conserve the environment, they are simultaneously working to better human health.

“It was eye-opening to me to see how many people litter on the highways or at the beach, even though I had always thought Florida was a beautiful state,” recalled Waldmann.

The immense opportunity to work first-hand with A Rocha Marine Conservation Organization was also the perfect time for team bonding and memorable experiences.

A juvenile alligator poses for the camera on the edge of the shore

One such experience occurred as the group visited Orlando’s Wetland Park to observe Florida’s natural wildlife up close. A native alligator decided to take matters into its own hands and provided trip participants with a perfect front-seat viewing.

“While viewing the wide diversity of bird life that makes the wetlands their home, a beautiful juvenile alligator swam up right next to the boardwalk we were on and seemingly posed for the camera,” shared Dr. Hayes. “Needless to say, everyone was very excited. It was quite the experience to have the alligator come right up next to us.”

The 2026 winter break marine conservation trip cost is $1,300 and sign-ups will begin at the start of the fall semester.

For more information regarding the winter 2026 A Rocha Marine Conservation service trip, contact Dr. Hayes at

Participating students included:

  • Virtue Bama, a junior marine biology major from Baltimore, Maryland
  • Jake Botti, a sophomore marine biology major from Trafford, Pennsylvania
  • Jocelyn Bowers, a junior marine biology major from Dunkirk, New York
  • Joseph Campbell, a junior marine biology major from Spring Creek, Pennsylvania
  • Laneah Hunker, a junior environmental studies major from Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania
  • Aleesia Shepard, a sophomore marine biology major from Port Matilda, Pennsylvania
  • Tyler Waldmann, a freshman marine biology major from Elizabeth, Pennsylvania
  • Leia Watson, a senior biology major from Coudersport, Pennsylvania