Two properties were recently donated to Waynesburg University: the Alston Farm and the Thyreen Retreat Center.
Being the benefactor of these two farms presents Waynesburg University the opportunity to explore the development of new programs and the expansion of existing ones, while providing new experiences to students, faculty, staff and the surrounding community.
The Alston Farm at Waynesburg University
With an emphasis on student and faculty outcomes, student instruction opportunities and community outreach, the University is in the process of analyzing future uses for the Alston Farm.
Under the direction of President Douglas G. Lee, this strategic approach has creative vision at its heart, with the priority of determining the best use of the space that will add the most value to Waynesburg University students and the community.
The Thyreen Retreat Center

In accordance with the wishes of Chancellor Thyreen and his family, the family farm in Greene County has been donated to Waynesburg University for the purpose of providing a retreat center. The family has set up an endowment for the maintenance of the facility. Memorial contributions can be made to Waynesburg University in honor of Chancellor Thyreen for that purpose.
According to Mrs. Carolyn Thyreen, “Our home and property have always been a place of blessing to those who needed a space in which to be renewed in spirit, mind, and body. There are so many memories of times shared with family and friends, lots of laughter as well as tears. We are so pleased that what had been our personal mission in its use, will now continue when we are gone; to be a blessing for generations to come.”