It is a collectively accepted truth that a new year offers new opportunities for humanity. The difference this one day can make for people’s mindsets is astounding!
As a somewhat fickle optimist, I never fully bought into the idea that turning one page on a calendar could be the key to making a lasting change in life, but the annual, communal change in mindset—the self-examination, optimism, ambition, the willingness to strive for more and be better than the day before—that atmospheric change dazzles and inspires me every year.
When resolutions and a fresh start at a better life are within our grasp, how brave we become! How supportive are our friends and family at this time of year; a chorus of encouragement and praise offered to those striving to improve. This new year, fresh-start environment propels people’s personal growth.
Tempered with grace for failures and hope for improvement, growth is encouraged by social support. That new year’s glow of support may seem to fade as the year progresses, but it can be felt anew any time people are open to self-examination and learning.
It is no surprise that a Writing Center consultation is shown to be the most effective when approached with that renewed, growth mindset. As a safe space to talk about all forms of writing, the Writing Center combines that new year-like key social support with knowledge and active listening.
As the Waynesburg University community boldly steps into a new year, consider adding to your resolutions the goal of growing as a writer, and come visit us at the Writing Center. We look forward to seeing you!