Over Christmas break, the Waynesburg University Eberly Library staff and the Biblical & Ministry Studies Program, led by Josh Sumpter, assistant professor of Biblical and Ministry Studies and University Chaplain, worked to update the biblical studies resource section of the library, with a focus to create a student-centric space for students to study on campus.
During this update, several students, along with the maintenance staff and lecturer of Biblical & Ministry Studies, Rev. Jacob Judy, assisted the librarians with organizing books and updating the space.
The south wing of Eberly Library now features a variety of tables and seating where students can read, study, write and meet as they continue to grow at Waynesburg University. Access to outlets for charging devices is now easier and available for students seated in this section of the library.
One of the goals for Sumpter was to honor retired librarian, John Thompson, who gave over 20 years to curating a robust selection of biblical and ministry studies resources that can be found on the first floor of the library.
“John Thompson did more than add a great collection of faith and learning resources at Waynesburg University, he directly impacted the lives of students as he lived out his faith," said Sumpter. "He exemplified the mission of connecting faith, learning, and serving.”
The framed photos in this updated section of the library capture John Thompson’s joy for working with students and his love for resources that help students grow in their Christian faith.