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Campus News

Altoona native named a Waynesburg U. valedictorian

Kayla Ayers May 25, 2023

Maddison Butler, an early childhood education with special education certification graduate from Altoona, Pennsylvania, was named one of three Waynesburg University valedictorians for the Class of 2023. She is the daughter of Scott and Danelle Butler.

As a student, Butler served as the director of Waynesburg’s student-led improv comedy show “WU’s Line.” She was also a member of the Education honors society, Kappa Delta Pi.

Butler shared that her favorite parts of her undergraduate journey were the bonds she formed on campus with fellow classmates turned friends.

“My favorite moment at WU was meeting friends I will have for the rest of my life as well as my fiancé,” shared Butler.

I am most looking forward to having the chance to have my own classroom and beginning to change the lives of my students."

Maddison Butler

Her future plans are to secure a teaching position in the Altoona area.

“I am most looking forward to having the chance to have my own classroom and beginning to change the lives of my students,” said Butler.

Waynesburg University honored the Class of 2023 during Commencement Exercises on Saturday, May 6, and Sunday, May 7, on the Lawn of Miller Hall.

More than 400 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students were honored. Commencement exercises for graduate students were held Saturday at 4 p.m., while the undergraduate ceremony was Sunday at 2 p.m.

The following students were also named valedictorians:

  • Gabriela Hallman, an early childhood education with special education graduate from Douglassville, Pennsylvania.
  • Elliott Kimball, a social science-political science graduate from Hardwick, Vermont.
2023 Undergraduate Valedictorians: Hallman, Kimball and Butler
The 2023 Valedictorians: Gabriela Hallman, Elliott Kimball, Maddison Butler.

Hallman delivered the valedictory to the Class of 2023 at the undergraduate ceremony May 7.