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Accelerated Start

Fall 2022

In preparation for the upcoming fall semester, the Department of Chemistry & Forensic Science will offer a chemistry enrichment program called Accelerated Start. This intensive, in-person program will offer incoming freshman with knowledge gaps in math and chemistry a chance to grow their knowledge prior to the start of the fall Chemistry 121 course.

Participation in Accelerated Start is free, but limited to students who qualify. To qualify for the program, freshman registered for Chemistry 121 are invited to take a quiz on Canvas, Waynesburg’s learning platform, by Wednesday, July 27, to have their current math and chemistry skills assessed.

Those who qualify will take curriculum taught by Dr. Takashi Suyama designed to address weaknesses in areas of math and chemistry, and prepare them for success in the upcoming fall semester. Accelerated Start will be held on campus from August 17, through August 24.

Students are encouraged to contact the program coordinator, Dr. Evonne Baldauff, for any questions.