New Castle County Vocational Technical School District
ER #184 Contact: Donna Poore
The Culturally Relevant Teaching and Learning Initiative provides participating teachers from NCCVT the tools, resources, primary sources, and pedagogies required for a teacher to transform his or her teaching into teaching that incorporates the representation of diverse historical perspectives. Through a course of sustained professional development, the participants in this project have the opportunity to formulate their understanding of culturally relevant teaching and apply that understanding to real world curriculum that they develop, implement, and evaluate in their own classroom.

Red Clay Consolidated School District
ER #175 Contact: Holly Golder
Red Clay’s Antiracist Teaching and Learning Initiative provides its participating United States history teachers in grades four, eight, and eleven with tools, resources, primary sources, and pedagogies that are to transform his or her teaching into antiracist teaching. Through a course of sustained professional development, the participants in this project have the opportunity to formulate their understanding of antiracist teaching and apply that understanding to real world curriculum that they develop, implement, and evaluate in their own classroom.
Teacher-created Antiracist Lesson Plans

Caesar Rodney School District
ER #174 Contact: Darren Guido
The Caesar Rodney School District’s Deconstructing the Reconstruction Era using Primary Sources project utilizes Library of Congress resources and methods to revise the curriculum and pedagogy offered by the district in an initiative aimed at bolstering the Reconstruction Era unit. This project affords district secondary social studies teachers the opportunity to participate in a professional development initiative aimed at transforming the district’s Reconstruction Era unit to be inclusive of methods and concepts that honor diverse histories. Participants engage in synchronous workshops and asynchronous PLCs to create, pilot, and provide feedback to lessons about the Reconstruction Era.

University of Delaware - Professional Development Center for Educators
ER #140 Contact: Michael Feldman
Delaware's Teaching Information Literacy Through Primary Sources project aspires to expand the current focus of information and media literacy beyond the civics classrooms and into history lessons using comparable historical contexts through primary sources available through the Library of Congress. The distribution of misinformation has been a problem that has ebbed and flowed throughout the course of history.
Lesson writing teams, comprised of Delaware teachers from grades 4 – 12, create and field test standards-based lessons for the Delaware Recommended Curriculum that incorporate a variety of Library of Congress primary source materials. Lesson authors and project staff provide professional learning opportunities to 120 practicing teachers and 175 pre-service teachers. By supporting the ongoing use of these lessons and facilitating their adoption into the state social studies curriculum PDCE equips teachers with the tools they need to foster the habits of mind fundamental to active, informed citizenship.

University of Delaware - The Democracy Project
ER #90 Contact: Francis O'Malley
Delaware's Teaching Civics with Primary Sources project aspires to improve the quality of instruction in Delaware's social studies classrooms by raising awareness of resources available through the Library of Congress, by modeling how those resources can be accessed and integrated into lesson plans, and by providing professional development in the use of the Library of Congress and Teaching with Primary Sources websites.
Ten accomplished lesson writers develop standards-based civics lessons that integrate primary sources from the Library of Congress under the guidance of project staff. The authors and staff offer guided practice in the use of the lessons to 135 practicing teachers and 150 pre-service teachers. The project's lessons become part of the Delaware Recommended Curriculum for ongoing use statewide.
Project Lesson Plans
Delaware DOE Recommended Curriculum Lesson Plans