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Waynesburg University Accreditation Updates

Waynesburg University is an accredited institution and a member of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Waynesburg University underwent its formal accreditation review as conducted by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, as a follow up to their on-site visit April 7-10, 2024.

MSCHE has informed Waynesburg University that it is in compliance on six out of seven Standards for Accreditation. On July 1, 2024, Waynesburg University received formal notice that the Commission concluded that it did not present sufficient evidence of compliance with Standard V (Educational Effectiveness Assessment).

Waynesburg University is an accredited institution and a member of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) Waynesburg University’s accreditation status is Non-Compliance Warning. The Commission’s most recent action on the institution’s accreditation status on July 1, 2024 was to warn. MSCHE is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education.

Waynesburg University remains accredited. MSCHE may take action to revise the University’s status on Standard V, assessing educational effectiveness, following an update that the University will provide to MSCHE in March 2025. The University has already begun revisions to its assessment practices and is committed to meeting all of the MSCHE Standards for Accreditation.

Waynesburg University is committed to providing transparent, quarterly updates regarding actions being taken to meet requirements and recommendations of Middle States Commission for Higher Education.

April through June

  • Site visit was held and the written report was delivered from Middle States regarding requirements for Standard V and recommendations for Standard III and IV.
  • General Education Curriculum Assessment subcommittee was formed to develop a comprehensive assessment plan for general education.
  • Requests were sent to all academic and non-academic programs for detailed assessment plans with a submission deadline of August 31.

July through September 

  • Receipt of the Notification on Non-Compliance Action.
  • WU remains accredited but must submit a monitoring report on March 3, 2025, demonstrating evidence of compliance with Standard V.
  • New MSCHE Monitoring Report Leadership Team was formed. Members include:
    • Mindy Walls, Interim Provost, Director of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program and Associate Professor of Business Administration
    • Evonne Baldauff, Chairperson for the Chemistry and Forensic Science and Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics Departments, Professor of Chemistry and Assistant Provost for Faculty Excellence, Curriculum Development and Online Learning
    • Devon Bowser, Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies, Program Director for the Master of Arts in Counseling, Program Director for the Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Education and Associate Professor of Counseling
    • Marie Leichliter Krause, Assistant Provost
  • Leadership team disseminated MSCHE action plan to department chairs outlining a two-phase process focusing on direct measurement of courses.
  • Held mandatory training for all faculty teaching a fall course. 
  • Recieved draft Program Assessment plans for all academic and non-academic programs.  
  • Leadership team begins discussions with similarly aligned peer institutions for collegial guidance. 
  • Leadership team actively reviewing plans and working individually with each academic and non-academic program on feedback to plan.
  • Conducted assessment plan workshops (ongoing) with department chairs and department assessment coordinators. 
  • Leadership team prepares campus for October 7 guidance visit with MSCHE representatives.
  • Update full faculty at monthly faculty meetings
  • Briefed Board of Trustees on assessment compliance action plan
  • Formed assessment teams for each department consisting of the department chair and department assessment coordinators.

October through January

  • Organized and facilitated the MSCHE Liaison Guidance Visit on October 7, welcoming Dr. Melissa Hardin to campus. Coordinated meetings with administrators, faculty, staff, students, and Board of Trustees members.
  • Led monthly meetings with Department Chairs and Department Assessment Coordinators to refine student learning goals and outcomes, assessment plans, curriculum maps, and supporting artifacts for individual academic programs.
  • Collaborated with non-academic program leaders to enhance assessment strategies, identify direct and indirect assessment methods, and curate supporting artifacts.
  • Provided one-on-one training and support for both academic and non-academic programs, ensuring effective assessment processes.
  • Ensured faculty completion of Student Learning Outcome (SLO) records, documenting assessments for all fall semester courses.
  • Conducted mini-assessments for academic programs at the end of the fall semester, where each program evaluated one programmatic SLO, identifying and collecting representative artifacts. Future assessments will align with each program’s annual assessment plan.
  • Guided non-academic programs in conducting mini-assessments of one program goal, ensuring compliance with assessment requirements, and collecting supporting artifacts. Future assessments will follow the annual assessment schedule.
  • Consistently updated key stakeholders, including faculty, staff, and students, to ensure transparency and foster ongoing engagement throughout the assessment process.
  • Attended the MSCHE Annual Conference to stay informed on accreditation standards and best practices in higher education.
  • Acquired the Planning and Self-Study software suite from Watermark to centralize all planning, assessment, and outcomes data. This tool will be implemented in fall 2025 to support our continued efforts to make data-informed decisions and streamline our processes for continual improvement.