Interdisciplinary Studies
Design an individualized course of study that explores your wide range of interests.

This flexible degree program allows you to combine courses from two or more academic disciplines into a concentration area, with dedicated faculty members helping you refine your curriculum every step of the way.
During senior year, you’ll enroll in a three-credit independent study, internship, or honors course as guided by your academic advisor. In this experience, you’ll integrate the knowledge of the academic disciplines in which you have selected to concentrate your studies.
Graduate with a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree and the specialized, versatile knowledge needed to pursue the career path of your dreams.
What Sets Us Apart
Pursue an array of interests in one program
This unique and flexible program is for students who wish to design an individualized course of study. This path makes it possible for you to pursue a variety of interests. If you're interested in this program, you must contact the advisor no later than the first semester of your second year.
Join an extensive, competitive program
As an Interdisciplinary Studies major, you'll be given the opportunity to take advantage of advanced courses in an area (or areas) of interest. The program is competitive to enter – you must have a GPA higher than 3.0. And you'll gain a competitive advantage when you graduate with an impressive and comprehensive knowledge in more than one area of study.
Academic Catalog
Need to find a course description or review your degree requirements? View the current online catalog at the link below.