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Marine Biology

Study three years at Waynesburg and one year out-of-state while researching marine life first-hand.

Students working in Marine Bio

The exciting work of exploring marine ecosystems grows more important by the day as the environment changes.

Waynesburg University, in conjunction with Coastal Carolina University (CCU), offers a combined curriculum toward a Bachelor of Science in marine biology so you can enter professions that study and protect marine life. You’ll complete biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and liberal arts coursework during three years at Waynesburg University and finish with one year of marine biology coursework and research at CCU.

What sets us apart

Get early, hands-on experience

Waynesburg University has a marine biology lab apart from the Stewart Hall, where you’ll observe and study many species of fish and oceanic life. Inside the lab are multiple tanks and aquaria, including a large tank for housing local catfish raised as part of a cooperative fishery program with the PA Fish and boat Commission and a Caribbean tank that contains live rock from Fiji and tropical fish. You’ll help take care of and learn to maintain the facility starting freshman year, providing essential professional training skills beyond the classroom.

Learn in state-of-the-art facilities

Stewart Hall, the academic building that hosts most biology, environmental science, and marine biology core classes, has recently undergone extensive interior and exterior renovations to provide the most advanced science technology and tools available. Here, you’ll complete excellent research and work with current equipment.

Research conservation and sustainability

At Waynesburg University, you’ll learn about various types of marine and aquatic ecosystems, explore how they are formed and function, and survey the diverse array of organisms found in these systems. The curriculum is designed to dig into research being conducted in different subdisciplines of biology while also considering the impact of human activity on ecosystems. You’ll help generate solutions for longstanding and emerging issues of crisis in marine life.

Connect to renowned marine resources

CCU is among the best undergraduate marine biology programs in the country, possessing exceptional research faculty, facilities and fleets. Its location makes it a prime place to receive hands-on marine biology training, experiences and to complete research during your final year of study. WU graduates from this 3/1 program have successfully found employment with a wide variety of companies including, Burns and Mcdonnel Environmental Consulting, Duke University, Stantec Environmental Consulting, Seaworld, Florida Aquarium, Seattle Aquarium, Alaskan Observer, and the USDA.

Academic Catalog

Need to find a course description or review your degree requirements? View the current online catalog at the link below.

Marine Biology Mission, Goals and Outcomes


The Marine Biology program seeks to prepare students for successful careers in the field of marine biology. As such, we are committed to training students to think holistically about the interaction of marine biology with faith, service and leadership in their local communities and around the world.