Environmental Studies Minor

Grow in your knowledge of how the environment around us works
Enter this fast-growing and dynamic field and directly address some of the most significant programs related to human impact on the environment. This minor allows students to explore the relationship between their major course of study and the compelling contemporary issues facing the Earth. This program requires 23 total credits.
Course | Title |
BIO 117 | Introduction to Environmental Science |
BIO 217 |
Environmental Ethics |
CHE 105 | Contemporary Topics in Chemistry or CHE 106, Practical Chemistry for Life or CHE 121, General Chemistry and CHE 121L, Laboratory for General Chemistry I |
GLG 101 |
Physical Geology |
POL 105 | American National Government or POL 106, Introduction to Politics |
POL 209 | Public Policy Analysis |
___ | Two courses to be selected from: BIO 395 (environmental emphasis), 409, 465 (environmental emphasis); BMS 215; HIS 225; SLR 105 (environmental stewardship) |
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