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Overnight Visit

Experience life in the residence halls with a current student

Group Overnight Visitation

The Admissions Office has currently reserved November 10-11 to host a Spring Overnight Visitation event for high school seniors and transfer applicants. Our office will match prospective students with Waynesburg student hosts. This opportunity will give prospective students a glimpse of what being a Waynesburg student is all about, from eating in the dining hall to staying in the residence halls and attending classes.

Again, this event is available exclusively to high school seniors and prospective transfer applicants. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Admissions at 800.225.7393 or

Register for this event

Can't make it to the scheduled overnight?

If you cannot make it to a scheduled Overnight Visitation but wish to schedule a personal overnight visit, we require two weeks notice. Please be aware that we will schedule a limited number of overnight stays and can only offer overnight stays Sunday-Thursday nights when classes are in session. (We are unable to accommodate overnight stays during the summer.) Please e-mail admissions or call 1.800.225.7393 to schedule your personal overnight visit. If you schedule an overnight stay and need to cancel, please notify our Admissions Office ASAP so that we can inform the host and any others scheduled to meet with you.